We designed user-friendly website with an online price calculator

Střecha Online


Roof Online is a client producing and selling custom roofs. The creation of a presentable and eye-friendly website was supplemented by an interesting dark and light mode. Part of the creation was also the delivery of an online price calculator, which will significantly save the customer time in communication.


The initial task was to create a website that will show customers the functionality of the calculator and answer all questions using the FAQ.

Web app

The task of a web application is simply to guide a potential customer through a price selection process. The selection starts from general information to the selection of the number of middle windows and details. All this is accompanied by the estimated price and ends with the sending of potential demand.


The web application contains customized cartoon illustrations for a better idea of the selection of goods. We have prepared illustrations from floor plans, through individual types of roofs to the greatest details.

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Made by Designmind